ifconfig eth0 显示一个以太网卡的配置 ifup eth0 启用一个 'eth0' 网络设备 ifdown eth0 禁用一个 'eth0' 网络设备 ifconfig eth0 netmask 控制IP地址 ifconfig eth0 promisc 设置 'eth0' 成混杂模式以嗅探数据包 (sniffing) dhclient eth0 以dhcp模式启用 'eth0' route -n show routing table route add -net 0/0 gw IP_Gateway configura default gateway route add -net netmask gw configure static route to reach network '' route del 0/0 gw IP_gateway remove static route echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward activate ip routing hostname show hostname of system host www.example.com lookup hostname to resolve name to ip address and viceversa(1) nslookup www.example.com lookup hostname to resolve name to ip address and viceversa(2) ip link show show link status of all interfaces mii-tool eth0 show link status of 'eth0' ethtool eth0 show statistics of network card 'eth0' netstat -tup show all active network connections and their PID netstat -tupl show all network services listening on the system and their PID tcpdump tcp port 80 show all HTTP traffic iwlist scan show wireless networks iwconfig eth1 show configuration of a wireless network card hostname show hostname host www.example.com lookup hostname to resolve name to ip address and viceversa nslookup www.example.com lookup hostname to resolve name to ip address and viceversa whois www.example.com lookup on Whois database
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